The ramblings of a woman,
wife, & mother, who loves:
Jesus / my man / the three,
learning about parenting /
mamahood / childbirth,
cooking foods healthy /
international / yummy,
pretending to garden /
write / design,
attempting to run /
exercise / lift weights,
enjoying traveling /
camping / adventures,
finding ways to love /
serve / sacrifice for others.

It is not to say she does these things
with style or grace, or even skill.

Pedal for Nepal!

May 27, 2009 - 9:15 PM

Mary & her kids

Ready to multiply your return exponentially?

This upcoming RAGBRAI my Uncle John and his two friends, Eric and Don, will be raising pennies for the Nepal Home for Children, a Christian missionary organization to provides vocational training for boys and girls in Nepal.  My Uncle John writes beautifully about his inspiration for this bike ride here

My short summary is: They are asking for individuals to pledge a penny a mile for their 500 mile bike ride, for a total donation of $5/person.  With 2,000 people donating $5 a piece, they can quickly reach their goal of $10,000, all of which goes straight to the Nepal Home for Children.  Every penny will go a long, long way!  Amazing!  Now I know I don't have 50 people reading this little blog, but if you could pass this along to people you know and they pass it along to people they know, we could take a little chunk out of this goal because every penny counts.

Uncle John has a website, Pedal for Nepal, charting their training progress in their home state of Pennsylvania.  Please visit their site, read updates, comment to let them know if you are praying for them and support what they are doing.  Every little note is a great encouragement to their team.  Also, you can meet up with them in person and join them in a leg of the RAGBRAI adventure.  (I know Josh is planning on doing so!)

Thanks so much in advance!

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