Do you blow your nose in the shower?
I was speaking with my lil' sister the other day about politics and the issues. I care about, and am passionate about, many different ideas and thoughts on politics (it is one of those fun things Josh and I love to discuss, agreeing and disagreeing, at length) but when it comes right down to it, I told her straight up, I will vote for x, and I said my "x" OUTLOUD (but then I got to thinking about it and it truly is x, y, and z). I apologized for how closed-minded and narrow it may seem but when it comes right down to the nitty-gritty, those (3) stick out as deal makers or breakers.
She followed that up with this...
"There are two kinds of people... those who blow their nose in the shower and admit it and those who blow their nose in the shower and don't admit it."
Do you blow your nose in the shower?
Some people honestly do go and vote based on party, or based on anger, or based on fear, or based on big issues or small issues. The important thing is that they vote but honestly, we all do so with some "thing" in mind.
I do blow my nose in the shower and here are my issues.
My "x" is something that I hold incredibly important yet neither candidate really holds on their platform, bummer!
My "y" is something I have only recently gotten more passionate about about have actually written more letters to my legislators this last year than I have in my entire life. It is something that is threatened under Candidate Fred and not under Candidate Larry.
My "z" is something that could go either way under Candidate Fred and under Candidate Larry it is a non-issue from what I can tell.
I keep looking at ALL the issues though, going around and around and around and I always end up back at these 3 issues. The end result leads me to Candidate Larry but that still leaves me with questions about ALL the other issues but then I always go back to my 3... but then I think about all the other issues and some of them do really matter to me, but then I go back to my 3 heavy hitters and around and around and around and around... I'm dizzy!
Once again, I was comforted...
Some may trust in elections, some may trust in candidates... but we will trust, in the Lord our God!
I keep reminding myself that God did not promise us easy times here on earth and that there are no promises on tomorrow and I am hoping for the best but also prepared for the worst - and that goes no matter who is elected president.
What really matters, gentle readers, is that you vote. Every vote does matter and count.**
*A friend's tweet led me to this post by John Piper, something to talk amongst yourselves.
** Hoping that your county auditor is doing their job, even when people say he isn't though he says he is and you really hope he is and knowing that his job is on the line during this election, and hoping he is honest in counting those votes too as everyone "says" he always files our votes late and then they don't actually count afterall... Oh, for the love!
Oh, and this is the closest I have or will ever get to writing a political piece on my blog. Yucky! Never doing this again!
I have definitely stayed away from voicing my political opinions much to those outside my closest friends and family, mainly because I have no desire to engage in a political debate of any kind. But during this election (and with the uncertainty of the economy), I have many times thanked God that none of this is what truly matters, and that despite what happens, He has the ultimate control. It's such a comforting thought. Thanks for the Piper link- really puts down well into words things that I have been thinking.
PS- i have never blown my nose in the shower! I can't stand to do it without something dry- like a tissue or hanky!
I have been very hesitant to do so as well. I actually started to voice my opinion in a group setting a couple weeks ago and immediately felt bad! Yucky! BUT I really want people to trust God and vote! :)! Never Alicia M? Not even once time? I would say, I am impressed! :)!
Larry is purring beside me knowing that you are voting for him. He has decided to make Lovey his running mate now that he has a vote. :)