The ramblings of a woman,
wife, & mother, who loves:
Jesus / my man / the three,
learning about parenting /
mamahood / childbirth,
cooking foods healthy /
international / yummy,
pretending to garden /
write / design,
attempting to run /
exercise / lift weights,
enjoying traveling /
camping / adventures,
finding ways to love /
serve / sacrifice for others.

It is not to say she does these things
with style or grace, or even skill.

Garden Attempts by Novices - Take 18

June 20, 2007 - 8:13 AM

(I accidentally did 2 16's, so this is 18, enjoy!)

10 pieces of random news this day! 

1.) Maybe you are like me, but you are probably not, and you think, "My those kids do enjoy gardening!"  Truth is, they enjoy some of gardening but not all and what they really like about going to the garden these days is the park next door. 

Play then work

One of these days I should take a photo of the kids in their grumpy states, that is just about as priceless as their joyful states.  This whole, water, water and more water is definitely boring for me as an adult, and compounding boring for kids, as it takes a long time and is very repetitive day after day.  Either way, trying to spice things up we played first today then worked, it went surprisingly well. 

2.)  Harvest definitely brightens their spirits and attitudes!  They got to pick the plump sweet edible pea pods today, yum, yum, yum!  

Pea pickers!

3.) Miriam got to harvest her huge broccoli plant!  Yeah Miriam!  Definitely the biggest one of all!

Miriam's broccoli

4.) This is from Sunday but here is a plate of our peas and our first head of cabbage!  The kids do love eating the peas raw, it is amazing!  I made the cabbage with a rue and almond slices, it was yummy!  Strange at first, but yummy!  Jeremiah liked just eating the cabbage raw, definitely something I never thought I would see.

Cabbage & peas

5.)  Now, do you remember my sick zucchini plants?

Sick zucs

Well, I have been watering them deep, giving them liquid calcium supplements and they have gotten lots of sun and a nice rain from God and...

Happier zucs

They are way happier!  (The darker green one is one we planted from a seed and the yellower green one is a seedling we bought.)  The dark green one has doubled in size, though it is still small compared to others it's age, and the light green one is no longer yellow and is turning back to green.  They are also both perking up!  Hooray!  Maybe in a few weeks they will be as big as Leslie's are today!

6.) We did pick our first red tomato yesterday too but I forgot to take a picture fast enough.  It was one on Ezekiel's tomato plant so he was soo excited I couldn't move fast enough!  The rest of our tomatoes are green still, and there are a lot of green ones that is for sure!  I went to get Epsom Salt today but couldn't find any so ended up with this specific tomato plant food.  It said it showed immediate results and that you could use it on other plants too.  I went ahead and used it yesterday so when I show up today I expect HUGE tomatoes the size of cantaloupes!  Well... probably not, but a little color other than green would be nice.

7.) I also finally found some liquid fish emulsion as a fertilizer.  I will try that later this week.  My bible of gardening suggested it

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